miðvikudagur, febrúar 18, 2004


Ég myndi ekki segja að ég sé af MTV kynslóðinni en dúóið The Cheeky Girls getur bara ekki farið framhjá neinum hvort sem hann/hún/það er með MTV eður ei. Dúóið samanstendur af slavneskum anorexíutannstönglatvíburasystrum og er tónlistin ekki upp á marga fiska ef tónlist mætti kalla. Ég horfi stundum á Fox Kids (Lizzy McGuire sko) og sá ég þar einmitt þetta tvíeiki flytja lag sitt fyrir norsk börn íklæddar pínupilsum og bikinítoppum einum fata. Lagið heitir Cheeky Song (Touch my bum) og voru krakkarnir farnir að káfa á rössum hvors annars í gríð og erg. Þótt það sé kannski kurteisi í Slavníu að snerta bossa, þá þarf ekki að koma með þann sið í okkar siðmenntuðu lönd. Texti lagsins er líka afar áhugaverður eins og þið fáið að sjá ef þið gefið ykkur tíma til að lesa eftirfarandi: *skroll*

Cheeky Song (Touch My Bum)

Cheeky girls…………
Ooh boys cheeky girls
Ooh girls cheeky boys
Ooh boys cheeky girls
Ooh girls cheeky boys
Ooh boys cheeky girls
Ooh girls cheeky boys
Ooh boys cheeky girls
Ooh girls cheeky boys

I never ever ask where do you go
I never ever ask what do you do
I never ever ask what’s in your mind
I never ever ask if you’ll be mine
Come and smile don’t be shy
Touch my bum this is life.


We are the cheeky girls
We are the cheeky girls
You are the cheeky boys
You are the cheeky boys
We are the cheeky girls
We are the cheeky girls
You are the cheeky boys
You are the cheeky boys

Hhmm cheeky cheeky

Ooh boys cheeky girls
Ooh girls cheeky boys
Ooh boys cheeky girls
Ooh girls cheeky boys
Ooh boys cheeky girls
Ooh girls cheeky boys
Ooh boys cheeky girls
Ooh girls cheeky boys

I never ever ask where do you go
I never ever ask what do you do
I never ever ask whats in your mind
I never ever ask if you’ll be mine
Come and smile don’t be shy
Touch my bum this is life.

Unu doy trei si

We are the cheeky girls
We are the cheeky girls
You are the cheeky boys
You are the cheeky boys
We are the cheeky girls
We are the cheeky girls
You are the cheeky boys
You are the cheeky boys
Come and join the cheeky club
This is what you want
Come and sing the cheeky song
Our cheeky song woo
Come and join the cheeky club
This is what you want
Come and sing the cheeky song
Our cheeky song woo
Come and smile don’t be shy
Touch my bum this is life

Cheeky cheeky

We are the cheeky girls
We are the cheeky girls
You are the cheeky boys
You are the cheeky boys
We are the cheeky girls
We are the cheeky girls
You are the cheeky boys
You are the cheeky boys
We are the cheeky girls
We are the cheeky girls
You are the cheeky boys
You are the cheeky boys
We are the cheeky girls
We are the cheeky girls
You are the cheeky boys
You are the cheeky boys
Já, ullabjakk segi ég bara! Rassar eru ekki til að snerta... heldur til að kúka með!

Fussum sveisvei!

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